Aunt Dorothy lovingly created the original Roots & Wings cookbook with recipes that she and her siblings and spouses relied on and held dear. Some people have lost theirs. Others weren’t old enough at the time for a copy. And we all have new favorites to add to a second edition. Rather than working on a second physical cookbook, I decided to publish the original recipes online and add the ability for new additions right here. Accessible for all of us where ever we are in the world (and we have spread out!). If you have a recipe to add, one that everyone asks for after dinner parties, that your families cheer about every time you bring it to the table, that you can rely on to bring to a friend or family who needs a meal, that feels like home, email it to me. I hope to get to the point where we can add accounts for each Woods member who would like to contribute so you can add recipes yourself. For now, I can take submissions through the contact page. I am so excited to see our new collection of favorites.