Category: Breads

4 Servings
Difficulty: Medium
Prep Time: 3 Hr 30 Mins
Cook Time:
1 Hr
Total Time:
4 Hr 30 Mins
Millie Wilson was a wonderful baker, especially considering she did all her baking on an old wood stove, having split the wood herself. I used to stop there every morning on my way to school to pick up Georgianna (I walked her to school or the bus stop). While waiting for her to get ready, I always had a cup of cocoa and a great slab of Millie’s bread, toasted and slathered with butter. She’s the one who got me started baking bread, which I still do. This recipe was contributed by Alan Epstein, who has continued the bread-making tradition in his family.
Adjust Servings
- *This recipe makes 4 loaves of bread. Please adjust portions accordingly.* *Also, there are three rises, so plan for enough time.*
- Put milk, Crisco, sugar, and salt in a large saucepan and heat until Crisco melts. Set aside until it is lukewarm.
- Dissolve the yeast in a little warm water. Stir well and let it sit until foamy. Add to milk mixture.
- Add 12-15 cups of flour until consistency is right for kneading (some can be added during kneading). Turn out on a well floured board, knead until surface is silky (at least 8 minutes). Put back into bowl and let rise until doubled in bulk (1-1 1/2 hours). Punch dow, let rise again until doubled.
- Turn out onto floured board, divide into 4 parts and shape into 4 loaves (roll each part into a rectangle about as wide as bread pan is long, then roll up dough, pinch ends together). Put into greased loaf pans and let rise again until double.
- Bake at 350° for about 1 hour. Remove from pans and cool on racks.