Mocha Punch

From Millie
Servings: 8 yield(s)
Prep Time: 10 mins
Total Time: 10 mins
  • 3 qt hot water (divided)
  • 1 small instant coffee (3-4 oz)
  • 2 cup sugar
  • 1 small can chocolate syrup
  • 2 qt milk
  • 1 gal ice cream (vanilla, coffee, or chocolate)
  1. Combine 1 quart of hot water with coffee, sugar, and chocolate syrup. Add 2 quarts more of hot water. Stir until dissolved and well combined.
  2. Refrigerate overnight (could be put in the freezer for a while, but don't freeze hard).
  3. Add to punch bowl with 2 quarts of milk and 1 gallon of ice cream.