Mulligatawny Soup

Yields: 12 Servings Difficulty: Easy

Kathy wrote that she and Larry were traveling north from Los Angeles along the Pacific Coast Highway and stopped to eat at a small town. When leaving the restaurant, Larry asked the cashier to give the chef his compliments on the soup. She asked if he would like the recipe – people asked for it so frequently, they kept copies on hand. It’s a bit of “the islands” flavored  by India’s spices.


0/19 Ingredients
Adjust Servings
  • Optional


0/3 Instructions
  • Bring chicken stock to a boil, add chicken, cook until chicken is done. Remove chicken from stock, refrigerate stock to clean off fat. You could pause here and come back the next day.
  • When the chicken is cool, remove skin and bones, pull meat into bite-sized chunks.
  • Reheat chicken stock and add spices. In separate pan, sauté onion, celery, carrots and green pepper for about 3 minutes, stirring frequently. (Recipe doesn't mention this, but I suggest a little olive oil for sautéing.) Add sautéed vegetables and chicken to stock, along with applesauce and parsley (and tomatoes, if desired). Bring to a boil, stirring frequently. Do not overcook - meat will become stringy and vegetables limp. If desired, mix in roux to thicken.


This recipe can be spread over two days, or you can just buy a precooked chicken at the store to skip the first steps of cooking and cooling the chicken.

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