From Peggy: She reports that Martha whips these up in a few minutes and is always very popular on Saturday mornings! (I wasn’t sure if she meant Martha or the crêpes were popular!)
The lentil and rice mixture came from Peggy’s friends in Center Harbor, the Farahs. Of Lebanese origin, their father was born on the street called Straight in Damascus (Acts 9:11 – Saul of Tarsus was there!). Peggy added the toppings, like tacos, and now people call them “Peggy’s Pockets”.
Kay is Lew Jackson’s mom. Peggy’ s mother-in-law.
From Peggy: She reports this is one of her favorite chicken recipes, from a book by Susan Branch, “Heart of the Home” in Martha’s Vineyard. She has begun growing her own herbs and using then fresh in this recipe. Martha (her Martha, that is) asked if this was smoked chicken – the herbs really penetrate …
From Peggy: Another family favorite from “Heart of the Home” by Susan Branch. The meat is extremely tender and gourmet-tasting. Everyone who has this raves about it – even Dad!
I got this from both Mom and Peggy. It’s a great way to use up all the excess tomatoes and peppers at the end of the growing season when frost threatens. You can adjust proportions of red and green vegetables according to what you have available.
Peggy got this recipe from Ann Tripple (Lew’s sister) in Oregon, who cooks for 9 people and likes to keep it simple. I checked with her on the difference in flour from the previous recipe (Millie’s All-Bran Muffins) and she confirmed that these amounts are correct. You decide!
Peggy claims: Best if made with fresh blueberries picked while standing in Lake Winnipesaukee on the point at Elly’s! Ask Dad!